Browse Items
- -- 1-15
- .1.2
- [pri]
- 0
- 1.1
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- 1.3
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- 1.3.1:1.2
- 1.3.10
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- 1.3.11:1.2
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- 1.3.9
- 10
- 11.1
- 11.1:1.2
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- 18.2.
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- 19.5:1.2
- 19.5:9.3.1
- 19.6
- 2.1
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- 20.5
- 20.5.1
- 20.5.2
- 20.5.3
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- 20.6
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- 21.
- 21.1
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- 21.7:9.3.1
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- 3.1
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- 8.3.1
- 8.3.2
- 8.3.3
- 8.3.4
- 8.4
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- 8.5 9.2
- 8.5.
- 9.1
- 9.2
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- 9.3.1
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- 9.4
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- 9.5.
- 9.5.1
- 9.5.10
- 9.5.2
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- 9.5.520.4.1
- 9.5.6
- 9.5.7
- 9.5.8
- 9.5.9
- 9.6
- 9.7
- 9.8
- a1.2
- abnormalities--[pri]
- aborted fetuses--[pri]
- abortion
- abortion --[pri]
- abortion on demand--[pri]
- abortion--[pri]
- access to information--[pri]
- accountability --[pri]
- accountability--[pri]
- Act on Medical Responsibility 1986 (Libya)--[pri]
- active euthanasia--[pri]
- Adab al-Tabib--[pri]
- addiction--[pri]
- administrators--[pri]
- adolescents--[pri]
- adoption--[pri]
- adult stem cells--[pri]
- adultery --[pri]
- adultery--[pri]
- adults--[pri]
- advance directives--[pri]
- adverse effects--[pri]
- advertising--[pri]
- advisory committees--[pri]
- Afghanistan--[pri]
- Aga Khan University (Karachi)--[pri]
- age factors--[pri]
- aged--[pri]
- aggression --[pri]
- aggression--[pri]
- aging--[pri]
- agriculture--[pri]
- AIDS --[pri]
- AIDS serodiagnosis--[pri]
- AIDS--[pri]
- Ains Shans University, Faculty of Medicine (Cairo)--[pri]
- al-Albanī, Muḥammad Naṣir al-Dīn--[pri]
- al-Azhar School of Medicine --[pri]
- al-Dakhwar--[pri]
- alcohol abuse --[pri]
- alcohol abuse--[pri]
- Alexandria University--[pri]
- Algeria--[pri]
- allowing to die--[pri]
- alternative therapies--[pri]
- alternatives--[pri]
- altruism--[pri]
- American Journal of Bioethics--[pri]
- Amman Declaration on Health Promotion--[pri]
- ancient history --[pri]
- ancient history--[pri]
- anencephaly--[pri]
- anesthesia--[pri]
- Anglican Church--[pri]
- animal cloning --[pri]
- animal cloning--[pri]
- animal experimentation
- animal experimentation--[pri]
- animal groups--[pri]
- animal organs--[pri]
- animal rights --[pri]
- animal rights--[pri]
- animal welfare --[pri]
- animal welfare--[pri]
- animals--[pri]
- anthropology--[pri]
- Arab Bioethics Society--[pri]
- Arab world
- Arab world--[pri]
- Arabs--[pri]
- artificial feeding--[pri]
- artificial insemination --[pri]
- artificial insemination--[pri]
- artificial organs--[pri]
- Asia--[pri]
- assisted suicide--[pri]
- attitude of health personnel--[pri]
- attitudes to death--[pri]
- attitudes--[pri]
- audiovisual aids--[pri]
- Australia--[pri]
- Austria--[pri]
- authorship--[pri]
- autonomy--[pri]
- autopsies--[pri]
- Bahrain--[pri]
- Bangladesh
- Bangladesh--[pri]
- Bedouins--[pri]
- beginning of life
- beginning of life--[pri]
- behavior disorders--[pri]
- behavioral research--[pri]
- beneficence--[pri]
- beneficience--[pri]
- benefit sharing--[pri]
- bioethical issues --[pri]
- bioethical issues--[pri]
- bioethics--[pri[
- bioethics--[pri]
- bioethics--pri]
- biological sciences--[pri]
- biological specimen banks--[pri]
- biology--[pri]
- biomedical research--[pri]
- biomedical sciences--[pri]
- biomedical technologies--[pri]
- biotechnology--[pri]
- bioterrorism--[pri]
- blood --[pri]
- blood banks--[pri]
- blood donation--[pri]
- blood transfusions--[pri]
- blood--[pri]
- body parts and fluids--[pri]
- brain death--[pri]
- brain imaging--[pri]
- brain--[pri]
- breast cancer--[pri]
- breast feeding--[pri]
- breastfeeding--[pri]
- bribery--[pri]
- Brunei Darussalam--[pri]
- Buddhist ethics--[pri]
- Burkina Faso--[pri]
- cadavers--[pri]
- cancer --[pri]
- cancer--[pri]
- capital punishment--[pri]
- cardiac death--[pri]
- caregivers--[pri]
- caring--[pri]
- casuistry--[pri]
- cells--[pri]
- central nervous system diseases--[pri]
- Centre of Bioethics and Culture (Karachi)--[pri]
- child abuse
- children--[pri]
- choice behavior--[pri]
- Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (South Africa)--[pri]
- Christian ethics--[pri]
- Christians--[pri]
- chromosome abnormalities--[pri]
- circumcision
- circumcision --[pri]
- circumcision--[pri]
- clergy--[pri]
- Clinical Ethics Advisory Group (University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust--[pri]
- clinical ethics committees--[pri]
- clinical ethics--[pri]
- clinical genetics--[pri]
- Clinical Research Law (Jordan)--[pri]
- clinical trials--[pri]
- cloning--[pri]
- codes of ethics --[pri]
- codes of ethics--[pri]
- coercion--[pri]
- College of Medicine, King Saud bin Abdul-Aziz University for Health Sciences--[pri]
- Colombia--[pri]
- commerce--[pri]
- committee membership--[pri]
- commodification--[pri]
- common good--[pri]
- communicable disease control --[pri]
- communicable disease control--[pri]
- communicable diseases --[pri]
- communicable diseases--[pri]
- communication--[pri]
- community consent--[pri]
- comparative studies --[pri]
- comparative studies--[pri]
- compassion--[pri]
- compensation--[pri]
- competence--[pri]
- competitive behavior --[pri]
- confidentiality--[pri]
- conflict of interest--[pri]
- Confucianism--[pri]
- congenital defects --[pri]
- congenital disorders --[pri]
- congenital disorders--[pri]
- conjoined twins--[pri]
- consanguinity --[pri]
- consanguinity--[pri]
- conscience--[pri]
- consent forms--[pri]
- continuing education--[pri]
- contraception--[pri]
- contracts--[pri]
- controlled clinical trials--[pri]
- cooperative behavior--[pri]
- corneas--[pri]
- cosmetic surgery--[pri]
- cosmetic techniques--[pri]
- counseling--[pri]
- crime--[pri]
- criminal justice--[pri]
- criminal law--[pri]
- cross-cultural comparison--[pri]
- cryopreservation--[pri]
- cultural competence--[pri]
- cultural competency--[pri]
- cultural pluralism --[pri]
- cultural pluralism--[pri]
- cultural pluralismi--[pri]
- culture--[pri]
- cupping therapy--[pri]
- curriculum
- curriculum --[pri]
- curriculum--[pri]
- curriculum--pri]
- cystic fibrosis--[pri]
- deafness--[pri]
- death
- death--[pri]
- deception--[pri]
- decision making--[pri]
- Declaration of Helsinki--[pri]
- Declaration of Istanbul --[pri]
- Declaration of Kuwait--[pri]
- Declaration of the Rights of the Child--[pri]
- dementia--[pri]
- democracy--[pri]
- dentistry
- dentistry--[pri]
- deontological ethics--[pri]
- depressive disorder--[pri]
- determination of death--[pri]
- developed countries--[pri]
- developing countries--[pri]
- diabetes--[pri]
- diagnosis--[pri]
- dietetics --[pri]
- directed donation--[pri]
- directive adherence--[pri]
- disability--[pri]
- disabled persons--[pri]
- disadvantaged persons--[pri]
- disaster planning--[pri]
- disclosure--[pri]
- disease --[pri]
- disease outbreaks--[pri]
- dissection --[pri]
- dissection--[pri]
- dissent--[pri]
- divorce--[pri]
- DNA fingerprinting --[pri]
- DNA fingerprinting--[pri]
- DNA--[pri]
- domestic animals --[pri]
- domestic animals--[pri]
- donors--[pri]
- drug abuse --[pri]
- drug abuse--[pri]
- drug approval--[pri]
- drug industry--[pri]
- drugs --[pri]
- drugs--[pri]
- early modern history--[pri]
- Earth's Charter--[pri]
- East Africa--[pri]
- ecology--[pri]
- economics--[pri]
- editorial policies--[pri]
- education--[pri]
- education--pri]
- Ege University Hospital (Izmir, Turkey)--[pri]
- Egypt
- Egypt--[pri]
- Eighteenth Century--[pri]
- electroconvulsive therapy--[pri]
- embryo development--[pri]
- embryo disposition--[pri]
- embryo donation--[pri]
- embryo research--[pri]
- embryo transfer
- embryo transfer--[pri]
- embryonic development--[pri]
- embryonic stem cells--[pri]
- embryos--[pri]
- embyonic development--[pri]
- emergency care--[pri]
- emotions--[pri]
- empirical research --[pri]
- empirical research--[pri]
- employment--[pri]
- England--[pri]
- enhancement technologies--[pri]
- enivronmental ethics--[pri]
- environment--[pri]
- environmental health--[pri]
- epidemiology --[pri]
- epidemiology--[pri]
- epilepsy--[pri]
- ethical analysis--[pri]
- ethical relativism--[pri]
- ethical review--[pri]
- ethical theory--[pri]
- ethics committees--[pri]
- ethics consultation--[pri]
- ethics--[pri]
- ethnic groups--[pri]
- eugenics--[pri]
- Europe--[pri]
- European Council for Fatwa and Research--[pri]
- euthanasia --[pri]
- euthanasia--[pri]
- evaluation studies--[pri]
- evaluation--[pri]
- evolution--[pri]
- expert testimony--[pri]
- eye diseases --[pri]
- faculty--[pri]
- family caregivers--[pri]
- family members--[pri]
- family planning--[pri]
- family relationship
- family relationship--[pri]
- famity relationship--[pri]
- fasting --[pri]
- fasting--[pri]
- fathers--[pri]
- fatwas --[pri]
- fatwas--[pri]
- Fazlun Khalid--[pri]
- females --[pri]
- females--[pri]
- feminist ethics--[pri]
- fetal development--[pri]
- fetal research--[pri]
- fetal tissue donation--[pri]
- fetuses--[pri]
- financial support --[pri]
- financial support--[pri]
- fiqh
- fiqh --[pri]
- fiqh--[pri]
- food--[pri]
- forensic genetics --[pri]
- forensic genetics--[pri]
- forensic medicine--[pri]
- forensic psychiatry--[pri]
- forms--[pri]
- France
- France--[pri]
- freedom--[pri]
- Freud, Sigmund--[pri]
- futility--[pri]
- gamete donation--[pri]
- gene therapy--[pri]
- genes--[pri]
- genetic ancestry--[pri]
- genetic carriers--[pri]
- genetic counseling--[pri]
- genetic databases--[pri]
- genetic disorders --[pri]
- genetic disorders--[pri]
- genetic diversity--[pri]
- genetic engineering--[pri]
- genetic enhancement--[pri]
- genetic epidemiology--[pri]
- genetic identity--[pri]
- genetic information--[pri]
- genetic intervention--[pri]
- genetic intervention--pri]
- genetic intevention--[pri]
- genetic predisposition--[pri]
- genetic privacy--[pri]
- genetic relatedness ties--[pri]
- genetic research--[pri]
- genetic screening--[pri]
- genetic services--[pri]
- genetic techniques--[pri]
- genetic testing--[pri]
- genetically modified animals--[pri]
- genetically modified organisms--[pri]
- genetically modified plants--[pri]
- genetics--[pri]
- genitalia--[pri]
- genome mapping--[pri]
- genome--[pri]
- genomics--[pri]
- germ cells--[pri]
- Germany
- Germany--[pri]
- government regulation--[pri]
- Great Britain--[pri]
- guideline adherence--[pri]
- guidelines--[pri]
- Gulf Cooperative Council--[pri]
- Gülhane Military Academy of Medicine--[pri]
- hair--[pri]
- hajj--[pri]
- halal --[pri]
- halal--[pri]
- haram --[pri]
- haram--[pri]
- harm--[pri]
- Harran University School of Nursing and Faculty of Medicine (Sanliurfa, Turkey)
- Harris, John--[pri]
- Hashmi, Zain--[pri]
- health --[pri]
- health care delivery--[pri]
- health care reform--[pri]
- health care--[pri]
- health care--pri]
- health disparities--[pri]
- health facilities--[pri]
- health hazards--[pri]
- health insurance --[pri]
- health insurance--[pri]
- health personnel--[pri]
- health promotion --[pri]
- health promotion--[pri]
- health services accessibility--[pri]
- health services research--[pri]
- health services--[pri]
- health--[pri]
- Heart Group--[pri]
- hearts--[pri]
- hemoglobinopathies--[pri]
- hepatitis--[pri]
- Hindu ethics--[pri]
- historical aspects --[pri]
- historical aspects--[pri]
- historical aspects--pri]
- HIV infections--[pri]
- HIV seropositivity--[pri]
- homosexuals --[pri]
- homosexuals--[pri]
- hormones--[pri]
- hospices--[pri]
- hospices--[pri{rcub}
- hospitals--[pri]
- human body--[pri]
- human cloning--[pri]
- human dignity--[pri]
- human experimentation--[pri]
- human experimentation--[pri{rcub}
- human genetics--[pri]
- Human Genome Project--[pri]
- human genome--[pri]
- human rights abuses--[pri]
- human rights--[pri]
- Human Tissues Act 1974 (Malaysia)--[pri]
- humanitarian assistance--[pri]
- humanities
- hygiene --[pri]
- hymen reconstruction--[pri]
- iatrogenic disease--[pri]
- Ibn Abi Uṣayʻibah--[pri]
- Ibn al-Nafis--[pri]
- Ibn al-Qayyim--[pri]
- Ibn Fahd--[pri]
- Ibn Qudamah--[pri]
- ijtihad--[pri]
- illegal abortion--[pri]
- Imam al Shafi'i--[pri]
- immigrants--[pri]
- immunization--[pri]
- In vitro fertilization --[pri]
- in vitro fertilization--[pri]
- incentives--[pri]
- India--[pri]
- indigents--[pri]
- Indonesia--[pri]
- industry--[pri]
- infants--[pri]
- infertility--[pri]
- influenza--[pri]
- information dissemination--[pri]
- informed consent--[pri]
- injuries--[pri]
- institutional ethics--[pri]
- institutional policies--[pri]
- insurance--[pri]
- intellectual property--[pri]
- intensive care units--[pri]
- intention--[pri]
- interfaith relations--[pri]
- interinstitutional relations--[pri]
- international aspects --[pri]
- international aspects--[pri]
- International Bioethics Committiee (Unesco)--[pri]
- International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects (CIOMS)--[pri]
- International Islamic Code for Medical and Health Ethics --[pri]
- International Islamic Code for Medical and Health Ethics--[pri]
- International Islamic Fiqh Academy--[pri]
- International Journal of Adolescence and Youth --2012 March 15
- Internet--[pri]
- internship and residency--[pri]
- interprofessional relations--[pri]
- intersexuality --[pri]
- intersexuality--[pri]
- involuntary euthanasia--[pri]
- involuntary sterilization--[pri]
- Iran
- Iran--[pri]
- Iraq--[pri]
- Islam --[pri]
- Islam--[pri]
- Islamic Charter of Medical and Health Ethics--[pri]
- Islamic Code of Medical Ethics 1981--[pri]
- Islamic councils --[pri]
- Islamic councils--[pri]
- Islamic Ethical Network on Science and Technology [IENST]--[pri]
- Islamic ethics
- Islamic ethics --[pri]
- Islamic ethics --[pri]
- Islamic ethics--[pri]
- Islamic ethics--]pri]
- Islamic ethics?--[pri]
- Islamic Fiqh Academy--[pri]
- Islamic Fiqh Academy-Organization of the Islamic Conference--[pri]
- Islamic Fiqh Council of the Organization of the Islamic Conference--[pri]
- Islamic legal maxims --[pri]
- Islamic legal maxims--[pri]
- Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA)--[pri]
- Islamic medicine --[pri]
- Islamic medicine--[pri]
- Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences (IOMS)--[pri]
- Islamic organizations--[pri]
- Islamic religious law--[pri]
- Islamic ritual purity--[pri]
- Islamic rituals --[pri]
- Islamic rituals--[pri]
- Islamic slaughter --[pri]
- Islamic slaughter--[pri]
- Islamic Society of North America--[pri]
- IslamOnline--[pri]
- Israel--[pri]
- Italy--[pri]
- Japan--[pri]
- Jewish ethics--[pri[
- Jewish ethics--[pri]
- Jews --[pri]
- Jews--[pri]
- Jordan--[pri]
- Jordon--[pri]
- Journal of Medical Ethics--[pri]
- judicial role--[pri]
- justice--[pri]
- Kant, Immanuel--[pri]
- Karachi Bioethics Group--[pri]
- Karachi University--[pri]
- Karachi--[pri]
- Kashmir--[pri]
- Kazakhstan--[pri]
- Khartoum University--[pri]
- kidney diseases--[pri]
- kidney transplantation--[pri]
- kidneys--[pari]
- kidneys--[pri]
- killing--[pri]
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia--[pri]
- Kitab al-Tibb--[pri]
- knowledge--[pri]
- knowledge, attitudes, practice--[pri]
- knowledge, attitudes, practice--i[pri]
- knowlege, attitudes, practices--[pri]
- Koran --[pri]
- Koran--[pri]
- Kuwait
- Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization--[pri]
- Kuwait--[pri]
- Latin America--[pri]
- law enforcement--[pri]
- law--[pri]
- lawyers--[pri]
- Lebanon--[pri]
- legal aspects --[pri]
- legal aspects--[pri[
- legal aspects--[pri]
- legal aspects--pri]
- legal guardians--[pri]
- legal liability--[pri]
- legal obligations--[pri]
- legal rights
- legal rights--[pri]
- legislation--[pri]
- legislation--pri]
- liability--[pri]
- Libya--[pri]
- life insurance--[pri]
- life style--[pri]
- life--[pri]
- literature--[pri]
- livers--[pri]
- living donors--[pri]
- living wills--[pri]
- London--[pri]
- long-term care--[pri]
- Maine Medical Center (Portland, ME)--[pri]
- Malaysia --[pri]
- Malaysia--[pri]
- male--[pri]
- males--[pri]
- Mali--[pri]
- malpractice--[pri]
- mandatory testing--[pri]
- marital relationship --[pri]
- marital relationship--[pri]
- marketing--[pri]
- marriage--[pri]
- married persons--[pri]
- martial relationship
- martial relationship--[pri]
- mass media--[pri]
- maternal health--[pri]
- Mauritania--[pri]
- Mawil Izzi Dien--[pri]
- McCulloch, Oscar--[pri]
- Medical Council Organization of Tehran--[pri]
- medical devices--[pri]
- medical education --[pri]
- medical education--[pri]
- medical errors--[pri]
- medical ethics --[pri]
- medical ethics--[pri]
- medical ethics--[pri]]
- medical ethics, *Islamic ethics, *Muslim world, physician's role, guidelines, international aspects--[pri]
- medical etiquette--[pri]
- medical exigency--[pri]
- medical fees--[pri]
- medical law--[pri]
- medical records--[pri]
- medical schools--[pri]
- medical students--[pri]
- medical tourism--[pir]
- medical tourism--[pri]
- medicine
- medicine --[pri]
- medicine--[pri]
- medieval history --[pri]
- medieval history--[pri]
- Mediterranean Region--[pri]
- MEDLINE--[pri]
- men--[pri]
- mental competence--[pri]
- mental disorders --[pri]
- mental disorders--[pri]
- mental health --[pri]
- Mental Health Law 1989 (Qatar)--[pri]
- mental health services--[pri]
- mental health--[pri]
- mental retardation--[pri]
- mentally disabled persons--[pri]
- mentally ill persons--[pri]
- mentally ill--[pri]
- mentally retarded persons--[pri]
- methods --[pri]
- methods--[pri]
- microbiology--[pri]
- Middle East--[pri]
- military personnel--[pri]
- milk banks
- milk banks--[pri]
- Ministry of Public Health (Afghanistan)--[pri]
- minority groups--[pri]
- minors--[pri]
- misconduct--[pri]
- modern history--[pri]
- modern Muslim religious scholars
- modern Muslim religious scholars--[pri]
- modesty--[pri]
- moral development--[pri]
- moral obligations --[pri]
- moral obligations--[pri]
- moral policy--[pri]
- moral status--[pri]
- morality --[pri]
- morality--[pri]
- morbidity--[pri]
- Morocco--[pri]
- mortality--[pri]
- mothers--[pri]
- motivation --[pri]
- motivation--[pri]
- Muḥammad Abū el-Ghār--[pri]
- multiple pregnancy--[pri]
- Muslim Law Council (Great Britain)--[pri]
- Muslim religious scholars --[pri]
- Muslim religious scholars--[pri]
- Muslim World League--[pri]
- Muslim world--[pri]
- Muslims
- Muslims--[pri]
- Muslims--pri]
- Mustafa Ben Hamza--[pri]
- nanotechnology--[pri]
- National AIDS Committee (Qatar)
- nature--[pri]
- negligence--[pri]
- neurosciences--[pri]
- new borns--[pri]
- newborns--[pri]
- Nigeria--[pri]
- Nineteenth Century--[pri]
- Ninth Century--[pri]
- non-Western world --[pri]
- non-Western world--[pri]
- Northern Africa--[pri]
- nuclear transfer techniques--[pri]
- nurse patient relationship--[pri]
- nurse's role--[pri]
- nurses--[pri]
- nursing education--[pri]
- nursing ethics--[pri]
- nursing homes--[pri]
- nursing research--[pri]
- nursing students--[pri]
- Oath of a Muslim Physician 1977--[pri]
- obligations of society --[pri]
- obligations of society--[pri]
- obligations to society--[pri]
- obstetrics and gynecology--[pri]
- Ohio State University College of Medicine--[pri]
- Oman--[pri]
- ophthalmology --[pri]
- ophthalmology--[pri]
- opioid analgesics--[pri]
- organ donation
- organ donation--[pri]
- organ donation--pri]
- organ donors--[pri]
- Organ Harvesting and Transplant Act 2009 (Egypt)--[pri]
- Organ Transfer and Transplantation Law 1987 (Kuwait)
- organ transplantation --[pri]
- Organ Transplantation Act 2000 (Iran)--[pri]
- organ transplantation--[pri]
- organization and administration--[pri]
- Organization of Islamic Conferences-Islamic Fiqh Academy--[pri]
- organizational models--[pri]
- organizational policies--[pri]
- organs--[pri]
- Othman Llewellyn--[pri]
- Ottoman empire--[pri]
- ovum donors--[pri]
- pain --[pri]
- pain--[pri]
- Pakestan--[pri]
- Pakistan Medical and Dental Council--[pri]
- Pakistan--[pri]
- Palestine--[pri]
- Palestinians--[pri]
- palliative care--[pri]
- parent child relationship
- parent child relationship --[pri]
- parent child relationship--[pri]
- parents--[pri]
- pastoral care--[pri]
- patents--[pri]
- paternalism--[pri]
- paternity--[pri]
- patient admission--[pri]
- patient care
- patient care--[pri]
- patient discharge--[pri]
- patient participation--[pri]
- patient satisfaction--[pri]
- patient’s rights --[pri]
- patients rights--[pri]
- patients--[pri]
- patients' rights--[pri]
- patients’ rights--[pri]
- pediatrics--[pri]
- Persia--[pri]
- Persia--pri]
- persistent vegetative state--[pri]
- personhood--[pri]
- pharmacists--[pri]
- philosophy --[pri]
- philosophy--[pri]
- philosophy--pri]
- physical examination--[pri]
- physically disabled persons--[pri]
- physician patient relationship--[pri]
- physician-patient relationship--[pri]
- physician's role --[pri]
- physician's role--[pri]
- physicians --[pri]
- physicians--[pri]
- physicians' role--[pri]
- Physics Society of Iran--[pri]
- plagiarism--[pri]
- plants--[pri]
- policy analysis--[pri]
- policy making--[pri]
- poliomyelitis--[pri]
- poliomyletis--[pri]
- political activity--[pri]
- political systems--[pri]
- politics--[pri]
- polygamy--[pri]
- population control--[pri]
- population genetics--[pri]
- population groups--[pri]
- pork--[pri]
- posthumous conception--[pri]
- pragmatism--[pri]
- prayer--[pri]
- pre-modern Muslim religious scholars
- pre-modern Muslim religious scholars --[pri]
- pre-modern Muslim religious scholars--[pri]
- pre-Muslim religious scholars --[pri]
- pregnant women--[pri]
- preimplantation diagnosis--[pri]
- premarital screening--[pri]
- premodern Muslim religious scholars--[pri]
- prenatal care--[pri]
- prenatal diagnosis--[pri]
- prenatal examinations--[pri]
- Presidency of Religious Affairs (Turkey)
- presumed consent--[pri]
- prevalence--[pri]
- preventive medicine --[pri]
- preventive medicine--[pri]
- primary health care--[pri]
- principle-based ethics --[pri]
- principle-based ethics--[pri]
- Principles of Medical Ethics--[pri]
- prisoners--[pri]
- privacy--[pri]
- private sector--[pri]
- professional competence--[pri]
- professional ethics--[pri]
- professional family relationship--[pri]
- professional organizations--[pri]
- professional patient relationship--[pri]
- professional role--[pri]
- prognosis--[pri]
- program descriptions--[pri]
- program evaluation--[pri]
- prolongation of life--[pri]
- property rights--[pri]
- proprietary health facilities--[pri]
- proprietary hospitals--[pri]
- Protestant ethics--[pri]
- proxy--[pri]
- psychiatric diagnosis--[pri]
- psychiatry --[pri]
- psychiatry--[pri]
- psychoactive drugs--[pri]
- psychological stress --[pri]
- psychological stress--[pri]
- psychology
- psychology --[pri]
- psychology--[pri]
- psychology--pri]
- psychotherapy --[pri]
- psychotherapy--[pri]
- puberty--[pri]
- public health --[pri]
- public health--[pri]
- public hospitals--[pri]
- public opinion--[pri]
- public participation--[pri]
- public policy--[pri]
- publishing--[pri]
- punishment--[pri]
- Qatar--[pri]
- qualitative research--[pri]
- quality of health care--[pri]
- quality of healthcare--[pri]
- quality of life--[pri]
- quarantine --[pri]
- quarantine--[pri]
- Rabat University Hospital
- radiation--[pri]
- radiology--[pri]
- random selection--[pri]
- rape--[pri]
- Rasch model--[pri]
- referral and consultation--[pri]
- refugees--[pri]
- refusal to participate--[pri]
- refusal to treat--[pri]
- regulation--[pri]
- rehabilitation--[pri]
- religion --[pri]
- religion--[pri]
- religious ethics--[pri]
- religious ethics, Islamic ethics--[pri]
- religious groups--[pri]
- religious hospitals--[pri]
- religious rituals--[pri]
- religiously prohibited material--[pri]
- religiously prohibited materials --[pri]
- religiously prohibited materials--[pri]
- remuneration--[pri]
- renal dialysis--[pri]
- reproduction--[pri]
- reproductive health services--[pri]
- reproductive medicine--[pri]
- reproductive rights--[pri]
- reproductive technologies --[pri]
- reproductive technologies--[pri]
- research design--[pri]
- research ethics committees--[pri]
- research ethics--[pri]
- research priorities--[pri]
- research subjects--[pri]
- research support--[pri]
- research--[pri]
- researchers--[pri]
- residential facilities--[pri]
- resource allocation--[pri]
- resuscitation orders--[pri]
- resuscitation--[pri]
- rghts--[pri]
- right to die--[pri]
- Right to Life Movement--[pri]
- rights --[pri]
- rights--[pri]
- risk--[pri]
- risks and benefits--[pri]
- Roman Catholic ethics--[pri]
- Roman Catholics--[pri]
- safety--[pri]
- Sahih al-Bukhari --[pri]
- Saudi Arabia--[pri]
- schools of Islamic law --[pri]
- schools of Islamic law--[pri]
- science--[pri]
- scientific misconduct--[pri]
- secularism--[pri]
- selection for treatment--[pri]
- selection of subjects--[pri]
- selective abortion--[pri]
- selective abotion--[pri]
- self care--[pri]
- self concept--[pri]
- self disclosure--[pri]
- self regulation--[pri]
- semen donors--[pri]
- Serbia--[pri]
- Seventeenth Century--[pri]
- sex change surgery--[pri]
- sex determination--[pri]
- sex factors --[pri]
- sex factors--[pri]
- sex offenses--[pri]
- sex preselection--[pri]
- sex reassignment procedures--[pri]
- sexual behavior--[pri]
- sexual harassment--[pri]
- sexual relations--[pri]
- sexuality --[pri]
- sexuality--[pri]
- sexually transmitted diseases --[pri]
- sexually transmitted diseases--[pri]
- Seyyed Hossein Nasr--[pri]
- sharia
- sharia --[pri]
- sharia--[pri]
- Shariah--[pri]
- Shihab al-Din al Qarafi --[pri]
- Shiites--[pri]
- siblings--[pri]
- sickle cell anemia--[pri]
- Sindh Institute (Karachi)--[pri]
- single persons--[pri]
- skin--[pri]
- smoking--[pri]
- social aspects--[pri]
- social discrimination--[pri]
- social dominance--[pri]
- social impact--[pri]
- social interactions--[pri]
- social problems--[pri]
- social sciences--[pri]
- social workers--[pri]
- socioeconomic factors--[pri]
- socioeonomic factors--[pri]
- sociology of medicine--[pri]
- Sokhraj Maternity Hospital (Karachi)--[pri]
- Somalia--[pri]
- South Africa--[pri]
- specimen collection--[pri]
- spirituality --[pri]
- spirituality--[pri]
- sports--[pri]
- spousal consent--[pri]
- spousal notification--[pri]
- Sri Lanka--[pri]
- standards--[pri]
- state medicine--[pri]
- statistics--[pri]
- stem cell transplantation--[pri]
- stem cells--[pri]
- sterilization (sexual)--[pri]
- stigmatization --[pri]
- stigmatization--[pri]
- students--[pri]
- Sudan--[pri]
- suffering--[pri]
- suicide--[pri]
- sunna
- sunna --[pri]
- sunna--[pri]
- Sunnis--[pri]
- surgery --[pri]
- surgery--[pri]
- surrogate mothers--[pri]
- synthetic biology--[pri]
- Syria--[pri]
- Tanzania--[pri]
- teaching methods--[pri]
- technical expertise--[pri]
- technology--[pri]
- Tehran University of Medical Sciences--[pri]
- terminal care--[pri]
- terminally ill--[pri]
- terminology--[pri]
- terrorism--[pri]
- thalassemia--[pri]
- thassemia--[pri]
- theology --[pri]
- theology--[pri]
- therapeutic abortion--[pri]
- therapeutic misconception--[pri]
- therapeutics --[pri]
- therapeutics--[pri]
- third party consent--[pri]
- Thirteenth Century--[pri]
- tissue banks--[pri]
- tissue donation
- tissue donation--[pri]
- tissue donors--[pri]
- tissue transplantation
- tissue transplantation--[pri]
- tissue typing--[pri]
- torts--[pri]
- torture--[pri]
- traditional medicine--[pri]
- transplant recipients--[pri]
- Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act 2009 (Pakistan)--[pri]
- transplantation--[pri]
- transplantation, Koran--[pri]
- transsexualism --[pri]
- transsexualism--[pri]
- travel--[pri]
- treatment outcome--[pri]
- treatment refusal--[pri]
- treatment--[pri]
- trends--[pri]
- Tribe of Ishmael--[pri]
- trust--[pri]
- truth disclosure--[pri]
- Tunisia--[pri]
- Turkey--[pri]
- Twentieth Century--[pri]
- twins--[pri]
- uncertainty--[pri]
- unconsciousness--[pri]
- UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights--[pri]
- United Arab Emirates--[pri]
- United Kingdom --[pri]
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)--[pri]
- United Nations--[pri]
- United States--[pri]
- Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights--[pri]
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights--[pri]
- universities--[pri]
- University of Aden School of Medicine
- University of Aden School of Medicine--[pri]
- unwanted children--[pri]
- uterus--[pri]
- vaccines--[pri]
- value of life--[pri]
- values --[pri]
- values--[pri]
- values--pri]
- ventilators--[pri]
- violence--[pri]
- virtues--[pri]
- voluntary euthanasia--[pri]
- voluntary sterilization--[pri]
- vulnerable populations--[pri]
- waiting lists--[pri]
- war prisoners--[pri]
- war--[pri]
- Weill Medical College of Cornell in Qatar--[pri]
- Western world --[pri]
- Western world--[pri]
- wet nurses--[pri]
- whistleblowing--[pri]
- withholding treatment
- withholding treatment--[pri]
- women--[pri]
- women's health services--[pri]
- women's health--[pri]
- women's rights
- women's rights--[pri]
- womens' health
- World Health Organization (WHO). Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean--[pri]
- wrongful life--[pri]
- xenotransplantation--[pri]
- Yemen--[pri]
- Zain ul Abiden School of Medical Technology--[pri]
- Zardawi, Asif Ali--[pri]
- Ziauddin University (Karachi)--[pri]