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Tags: 1.2, 20.5.1, judicial role--[pri], killing--[pri], legal aspects--[pri]
Tags: 1.2, 20.5.1, attitudes to death--[pri], euthanasia--[pri], Iran--[pri], Muslims--[pri], religion--[pri]
Tags: 1.2, 20.5.1
Tags: 1.2, 20.4.1, 20.5.1, 7.1
Tags: 19.5, 20.2.1, 20.4.1, 20.5.1, 8.3.1
Tags: 1.2, 20.5.1, 20.7
Tags: 1.2, 20.5.1, 20.5.4
Tags: 1.2, 20.2.1, 20.5.1, 20.5.4, autonomy--[pri], brain death--[pri], health care--[pri], religious ethics--[pri], resuscitation orders--[pri]
Tags: 20.5.1, 8.1, 8.3.3
Tags: 1.2, 20.5.1, 4.4
Tags: 20.5.1, 4.4
Tags: 1.2, 20.5.1, 20.7, 8.1
Tags: 1.2, 20.5.1, 9.4
Tags: 1.2, 17.8, 20.5.1
Tags: 1.2, 20.4.1, 20.5.1, 8.3.1, 9.1, fiqh--[pri], futility--[pri], informed consent--[pri], Muslim religious scholars--[pri], schools of Islamic law --[pri], sunna--[pri], terminal care--[pri], terminally ill--[pri], therapeutics--[pri]
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