حقوق المريض على الطبيب

Dublin Core


حقوق المريض على الطبيب

Transliterated title

Ḥuqūq al-marīḍ ʻalá al-ṭabīb

Translated title

Rights of the patient in relation to the physician


منصور، منصور مصطفى
Manṣūr, Manṣūr Muṣṭafá



Publication Date



يتناول البحث موضوع حقوق المريض على الطبيب في التشريع الوضعي مع التركيز على القانون الكويتي ويتكون من خمسة مباحث رئيسية تحت العناوين التالية: حق المريض في العلاج؛ حق المريض في اختيار الطبيب؛ حق المريض في الموافقة على العلاج الذي يقترحه الطبيب؛ حق المريض في التبصر بحالته؛ وحق المريض في فسخ العقد الطبي.

Abstract Translated

The article discusses the rights of the patient in relation to his or her physician in positive law, with a special focus on the Kuwaiti legislation. It consists of five main sections under these subtitles: the patient’s right to medication; the patient’s right to choose his physician; the patient’s right to accept medication suggested by the physician; the patient’s right to informed consent; and the patient’s right to nullify the medical contract.


Special issue of the journal containing the articles submitted to a seminar organized by the Faculty of Law and Sharīʻah in Kuwait University under the title 'Legal and Human Problems associated with the Physician Patient Relationship' held in November 15-17, 1980.

Primary Classification


Secondary Classification


Primary keywords

legal liability--[pri];legal rights;malpractice--[pri];medical errors--[pri];negligence--[pri];patients' rights--[pri];physician patient relationship--[pri]

Secondary keywords

accountability;confidentiality;contracts;criminal law;drugs;informed consent;law;legislation;medical ethics;patient care;practice guidelines;privacy;refusal to treat;treatment refusal



Journal Article

مجلة الحقوق والشريعة. يونيو 1981 السنة 5، العدد2:11-25;Majallat al-Ḥuqūq wa-al-Sharīʻah.1981 June; 5(2):11-25



“حقوق المريض على الطبيب,” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed January 23, 2025, https://imse.ibp.georgetown.domains/items/show/34870.