Childhood vaccination hesitancy in Saudi Arabia: a time for action

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Childhood vaccination hesitancy in Saudi Arabia: a time for action


Alamer, Faisal
Alamir, Ahmed
Aljohani, Sara
AlSumih, Norah
Hiji, Faris
Alhammadi, Moza
Almuneef, Maha



Publication Date



Objectives: This study aims to assess the health care provider (HCP) perception and knowledge about vaccination and to determine the presence of hesitancy toward it. Methods: An observational study on HCPs was conducted in King Abdullah Specialized Children's Hospital (KASCH), Saudi Arabia using a questionnaire. The HCPs were categorized as physicians, nurses, and allied health care specialists with total participants of 344. Results: 24% expressed disagreement with the vaccination schedule required by the Saudi Ministry of Health and 17% expressed reluctance in recommending or receiving vaccines in general. There was an apparent reluctance toward the influenza vaccination among allied health care specialists compared to nurses and physicians (42.5% vs 6% vs 11.8% respectively, p = <0.0001). Furthermore, 6% of the HCPs stated they believe of a strong correlation between GBS and the seasonal influenza vaccine, and 8% expressed an association between measles vaccine and autism. Years of experience significantly implicated HCP perceived confidence in explaining vaccine safety and efficacy. HCPs with less experience expressed a lack of confidence in the matter compared to their colleagues with more experience (20.9% vs. 10.7%, respectively, p = 0.0262). Conclusions: HCPs' confidence in vaccination are essential in influencing their patients. Therefore, it is essential to improve the knowledge and awareness of vaccination among HCPs.

Primary Classification


Secondary Classification

9.7; 9.5.1; 9.5.7

Primary keywords

children [pri]; immunization [pri]; vaccines [pri]

Secondary keywords

communicable diseases; health personnel; nurses; physicians; questionnaire; risk


Saudi Arabia


social media; vaccine hesistancy

Journal Article

Journal of Infection and Public Health. 2022 January; 15(1): 94-99


© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Primary Document Type



25 refs.


18760341 (print); 1876035X (online)



“Childhood vaccination hesitancy in Saudi Arabia: a time for action,” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed July 26, 2024,