مرض الإيدز كمسوغ للتفريق بين الزوجين في الفقه الإسلامي

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مرض الإيدز كمسوغ للتفريق بين الزوجين في الفقه الإسلامي

Transliterated title

Maraḍ al-īdz ka musawwigh li al-tafrīq bayna al-zawjayn fī al-fiqh al-Islāmī

Translated title

AIDS as a valid ground for separation of a married couple in Islamic jurisprudence


حسن، محمود محمد
Ḥasan, Maḥmūd Muḥammad


الكويت: المنظمة الإسلامية للعلوم الطبية، 1994

Publisher Translated

Kuwait: Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences (IOMS) 1994



Publication Date



ماذا يقول الإسلام إذا أصيب أحد الزوجين بالإيدز؟ هذا هو السؤال الرئيسي الذي يعالجه هذا البحث المقدم إلى الندوة التي عقدتها المنظمة الإسلامية للعلوم الطبية حول الإيدز والمشاكل الاجتماعية المتعلقة به في الكويت أثناء الفترة 6-8 ديسمبر من عام 1993. ويتبنى المؤلف القول بأن مرض الإيدز يمكن قياسه على الأمراض المعدية التي عدها الفقهاء قديما أحد مسوغات فسخ النكاح. وقد ذُيِّل البحث بنص القانون الكويتي رقم 51 الصادر عام 1984 والذي يعالج هذه القضية.

Abstract Translated

What does Islam say if one of the married couple got infected with AIDS? This is the main question handled by this paper which was submitted to the symposium held by the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences (IOMS) in Kuwait during the period 6-8 December 1993 on AIDS and its social problems. The author argues that AIDS is analogous to the sexual and communicable diseases which were considered by the early Muslim religious scholars as valid grounds for the dissolution of marriage. Appended to the paper is the text of the Kuwaiti law no. 51 issued in 1984 which elaborates on this issue.

Primary Classification


Secondary Classification


Primary keywords

AIDS--[pri];HIV infections--[pri];Islamic ethics--[pri];marital relationship--[pri];pre-modern Muslim religious scholars--[pri]

Secondary keywords

analogy;chronically ill;communicable diseases;communicable disease control;contraception;disease outbreaks;epidemiology;harm;human rights;immunization;legal guardians;legal rights;legislation;married persons;mentally ill persons;patients' rights;quarantine;sexually transmitted diseases;social discrimination;social impact;social interaction;social problems;values;women's rights






Islamic legal maxims;schools of Islamic law


Ethical aspects of AIDS; Sulaibekhat, Kuwait; 1993 December 6-8; Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences (IOMS)

Journal Article

In: Jundī, Aḥmad Rajāʼī, ed., Ruʼyah Islāmīyah li al-mashākil al-ijtimāʻīyah li maraḍ al-īdz (An Islamic vision for the social problems of AIDS).. Sulaibekhat, Kuwait: Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences 1994: 343-352

Call Number

9.5.6; B00000


Al-Islām wa al-mushkilāt al-ṭibbīyah al-muʻāṣirah (Islam and current medical concerns)


Includes references



“مرض الإيدز كمسوغ للتفريق بين الزوجين في الفقه الإسلامي,” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed September 10, 2024, http://imse.ibp.georgetown.domains/items/show/33471.