Acceptance of premarital health counseling in Riyadh city, 1417h

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Acceptance of premarital health counseling in Riyadh city, 1417h


Al-Kahtani, Nabil H.





Publication Date



Background: Health counseling before marriage can be a most worthwhile and satisfying aspect of preventive medicine. It is important in genetic diagnosis and the prevention of hereditary, sexually transmitted and other infectious diseases. Objectives: To determine the acceptance of the concept of Premarital Health Counseling (PMHC), and to identify some factors, which may efect this acceptance among Saudis who attend Primary Health Care Center in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), 1417H. Methods: The present study is a cross-sectional one with a selected sample of Saudis who attended the Primary Health Care Centers in Riyadh during the year 1417H. A multistage sampling and equal allocation stratified sampling within was used to select 484 persons comprising an equal number of males and females, married and single above the age of 18 years. A pre-designed pre-tested questionnaire sheet was used to collect the required data, which were then tabulated and statistically analyzed. Results: The study indicated that 364 (75.2%) of the study population accepted the concept of Premarital Health Counseling. PMHC was positively affected by the advancing age, experience of marriage, educational level and well-understood Islamic-health related issues. Out f those who accepted the concept, 273 (75%) agreed on the exchange of PMHC certificates between couples to be married and 152 (42%) agreed on the implementation of legislation on PMHC. Also, 298 (82%) of them wanted PMHC to be confidential and 168 (46%) agreed to the concept despite its cost. As regards the location of PMHC, most of participants who agreed to PMHC would prefer it to be given at governmental establishments. Recommendations: The study recommended the implementation of PMHC in Saudi Arabia, since it was accepted by the study population. However, further studies should be carried out to determine the details to be incorporated in the PMHC, their implementation and legislation on demographic basis of the Saudi community. Also, a community health education program for PMHC has to be devised in collaboration with Islamic leaders.

Primary Classification


Secondary Classification


Primary keywords

attitudes--[pri];genetic counseling--[pri];premarital screening--[pri]

Secondary keywords

consanguinity;genetic disorders;health education;marital relationship;modern Muslim religious scholars;questionnaire


Saudi Arabia--[pri]

Journal Article

Journal of family and Community Medicine2000 May; 7(2):27-34


Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

Call Number



26 refs


13191683 (print);2229340X (online)



“Acceptance of premarital health counseling in Riyadh city, 1417h,” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed January 16, 2025,