Patients and public involvement in patient safety and treatment process in hospitals affliliated to Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, 2013
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Patients and public involvement in patient safety and treatment process in hospitals affliliated to Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, 2013
Atoof, Fatemeh
Eshraghian, Mohammad Reza
Mahmoodi, Mahmood
Mohammad, Kazem
Jeddi, Fatemeh Rangraz
Abootalebi, Fatemeh
Eshraghian, Mohammad Reza
Mahmoodi, Mahmood
Mohammad, Kazem
Jeddi, Fatemeh Rangraz
Abootalebi, Fatemeh
Publication Date
Background: In the recent decades, healthcare providers had a perspective of benevolent paternalism. Nowadays, the patients' role has changed and they have a significant obligation to participate in their caring decisions. Objectives: The current study aimed to investigate the involvement of patients and public in the patient safety and treatment process in hospitals affiliated to Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran, 2013. Patients and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the hospitals affiliated to Kashan University of Medical Sciences in 2013. Subjects included all of the 18 chief managers, 10% of nurses in each hospital, and 375 patients. Data collection instruments included a questionnaire and a checklist designed according to the research objectives. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS ver. 13. Descriptive statistics, percentage and frequencies, were calculated for all variables and analyzed by Chi-square test. Results: In the treatment process, 81 patients (21.61%), 50 nurses (80.6%) and 15 chief managers (83.3%) had awareness about Patient Bill of Rights. In patient Safety, 19.73% of the patients stated that hospitals received their feedbacks. Management activities were weak in evaluation. All of the six hospitals (100%) had a defined process to perform satisfaction surveys' quality improvement and patient authentication policy. Conclusions: Patient and public participation in Kashan hospitals are not adhered well. As the patient has an important role in improving the quality of services, more use of mass media especially local newspapers, hospital websites, and training programs are suggested to inform both the patients and public on their rights and roles in improving the healthcare services.
Primary Classification
Secondary Classification
Primary keywords
patient care--[pri];patient participation--[pri];public participation--[pri];qualtiy of healthcare--[pri]
Secondary keywords
decision making;hospitals;interviews;patient education;patients' rights;patient satisfaction;questionnaires
Journal Article
Nursing and Midwifery Studies2015 June; 4(2): 7 p.
Link for Internet access
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Call Number
51 refs
23221488 (print)
“Patients and public involvement in patient safety and treatment process in hospitals affliliated to Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, 2013,” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed January 15, 2025,