مداواة الرجل للمرأة والمرأة للرجل
Dublin Core
مداواة الرجل للمرأة والمرأة للرجل
Transliterated title
Mudāwāt al-rajul li al-marʼah wa-al-marʼah li al-rajul
Translated title
Medical treatment of men by women and by women of men
البار، محمد علي
Bārr, Muḥammad ʻAlī
Bārr, Muḥammad ʻAlī
Publication Date
يتناول هذا المقال قضية التعامل بين الجنسين في المجال الطبي. ويشير المؤلف إلى النقاشات القديمة في التراث الإسلامي وكذلك إلى واقع العالم الإسلامي اليوم.
Abstract Translated
This article discusses the issue of cross-gender interactions in the medical sector from an Islamic ethical perspective. The author makes reference to both early discussions in the Islamic tradition and to the current reality in the Muslim world. I added 691 historical aspects and also 691 modern history to match your 691 medieval history, though I think it might be better to keep just historical aspects [pri] and make both medieval & modern 694. I added 8.1 as a CL because of the professional patient relationships focused on.
Primary Classification
Secondary Classification
10; 1.2; 2.2;8.1
Primary keywords
females--[pri];fiqh--[pri];historical aspects--[pri];Islamic ethics--[pri];males--[pri];medieval history--[pri];modern history--[pri];Muslim religious scholars--[pri];Muslim world--[pri];nurse patient relationship--[pri];physician patient relationship--[pri];physicians--[pri];religion--[pri];sunna--[pri];women--[pri]
Secondary keywords
government regulation;nurse midwives;nurses
Journal Article
مجلة مجمع الفقه الإسلامي الدولي.1994، العدد الثامن ، الجزء الثالث : 195-207;Majallat Majmaʻ al-Fiqh al-Islāmī al-Dawlī,1994, 8 (3): 195-207
Includes references
“مداواة الرجل للمرأة والمرأة للرجل,” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed January 15, 2025, https://imse.ibp.georgetown.domains/items/show/35541.