الخنثى بين تصورات الفقهاء واكتشافات الأطباء

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الخنثى بين تصورات الفقهاء واكتشافات الأطباء

Transliterated title

al-Khunthá bayna taṣawwurāt al-fuqahāʼ wa-iktishāfāt al-aṭibbāʻ

Translated title

Hermaphrodism between the perceptions of the jurists and the discoveries of physicians


ابن الخوجة، محمد الحبيب
Ibn al-Khūjah, Muḥammad al-Ḥabīb


الكويت: المنظمة الإسلامية للعلوم الطبية، 1986

Publisher Translated

Kuwait: Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences (IOMS) 1986

Publication Date



تم تقديم هذا البحث إلى المؤتمر العالمي الرابع عن الطب الإسلامي المنعقد في الكويت خلال الفترة 9-13 نوفمبر1986. قدم هذا البحث استعراضا مفصلا لنقاشات الفقهاء المسلمين قديما حول مفهوم الخنثى وكيف ينبغي التعامل مع هذه النقاشات الآن في ضوء المعارف الطبية المتاحة.

Abstract Translated

This paper was presented to the fourth international conference on Islamic medicine held in Kuwait during the period 9-13 November 1986. This paper provided an extensive review of the discussions among early Muslim jurists on the concept 'khunthá (Hermaphrodite)' and how these discussions should be approached now in light of available medical knowledge.

Primary Classification


Secondary Classification


Primary keywords

intersexuality --[pri];Islamic ethics --[pri];Muslim religious scholars --[pri];physicians --[pri];transsexualism --[pri]

Secondary keywords

adults;historical aspects;medieval history;modern history;pre-modern Muslim religious scholars;sunna

Journal Article

In: Sayf, ʻAlī; Jundī, Aḥmad Rajāʼī; Abū Ghuddah, ʻAbd al-Sattār, eds., al-Abḥāth wa-aʻmāl al-muʼtamar al-ʻālamī al-rābiʻ ʻan al-ṭibb al-Islāmī: al-jawānib al-taṭbīqīyah (Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Islamic medicine, no. IV: applied research). Kuwait: Islamic Medicine Organization & Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Sciences, 1986: 379-394

Primary Document Type


Call Number



Nashrat al-ṭibb al-Islāmī Vol. 4 (Bulletin of Islamic medicine Vol. 4)



“الخنثى بين تصورات الفقهاء واكتشافات الأطباء,” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed March 14, 2025, https://imse.ibp.georgetown.domains/items/show/35436.