Generic and professional health care beliefs, expressions and practices of Syrian Muslims living in the midwestern United States
Dublin Core
Generic and professional health care beliefs, expressions and practices of Syrian Muslims living in the midwestern United States
Wehbe-Alamah, Hiba
Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest Information and Learning, 2005.
Place of Publication
United States of America: Ann Arbor, MI
No. of Pages
213 p.
The purpose of this ethnonursing study was to discover the generic and professional health care beliefs, expressions, and practices of Syrian Muslims living in the Midwestern United States and to describe the influence of worldview, cultural context, and social structure, such as technological, religious, political, educational, and economical factors on their folk care beliefs and practices. Leininger's Culture Care Theory was used as an orientational framework for this study. Ten key and twenty general informants participated in this study. Several qualitative enablers were used to assist with the collection and analysis of data. QSR NUD*IST 4, a qualitative research software program, was used to assist with data analysis. Extensive analysis of audio taped interviews and the researcher's observations and participation experiences revealed numerous data categories and fourteen patterns from which four main themes were discovered. The findings from this study assisted in the identification of nursing care actions and decisions to provide Syrian Muslims with culturally congruent care. Implications for nursing theory, education, practice, and research were offered as well as considerations for future research.
Publication No. AAT-3197399. Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Duquesne University, 2005
Primary Classification
Secondary Classification
4.1.3; 9.5.4; 1.2
Primary keywords
attitudes [pri]; health care delivery [pri]; Muslims [pri]; nursing [pri]
Secondary keywords
culture; education; quality of health care; qualitative research
Link for Internet access
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works
Primary Document Type
Call Number
in process
Secondary Document Type
9780542412608, 0542412608
“Generic and professional health care beliefs, expressions and practices of Syrian Muslims living in the midwestern United States,” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed January 15, 2025,