Worlds Apart: A Four-Part Series on Cross Cultural Healthcare (2003)
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Worlds Apart: A Four-Part Series on Cross Cultural Healthcare (2003)
Publication Date
Four mini-programs provide insight into the role sociocultural barriers play in patient-provider communication and potential problems and issues about which healthcare professionals should be aware when providing care for culturally and ethnically diverse patients. The program was filmed by Maren Grainger- Monsen, MD and Julia Haslett of the Stanford University Center for Biomedical Ethics. 'Mohammad Kochi, a devout Muslim from Afghanistan, had surgery for stomach cancer, but is now refusing the chemotherapy recommended by his physician. His daughter thinks he may fear that the kind of chemotherapy offered will prevent him from observing daily prayer, and wonders if a professional translator might have avoided misunderstandings. 14 minutes' 'Justine Chitsena needs surgery for a congenital heart defect, but her mother and grandmother, refugees from Laos, worry that the scar left by the operation will damage her in her next reincarnation. They want to seek advice from the local Buddhist temple. 11 minutes' 'Robert Phillips, a health policy analyst who is African-American, believes he's likely to wait twice as long as a white patient for the kidney transplant he needs. He's looking for a new nephrologist -- someone who will be more sensitive to his concerns. 10 minutes' 'Alicia Mercado, a Puerto Rican immigrant, has strong beliefs about using natural home remedies rather than prescription medications. Her diabetes, hypertension, asthma and depression have been aggravated by her recent eviction from her apartment of eighteen years, which has also disrupted the continuity of her care. Her son worries about the 'assembly line' care he feels she is receiving. 13 minutes' A 31 page facilitator's guide is available. It was designed and written by Alexander Green, M.D., Joseph Betancourt, M.D., M.P.H., and Emilio Carrillo, M.D., M.P.H., each of whom has experience in cross-cultural medical education.
Primary Classification
Secondary Classification
Journal Article
Fanlight Productions
Link for Internet access
Primary Document Type
Call Number
Playing time
47 minutes; color
Carrier type
Corp. Creator
Producer: Stanford University Center for Biomedical Ethicscreator
“Worlds Apart: A Four-Part Series on Cross Cultural Healthcare (2003),” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed February 9, 2025,