Marriage & morals in Islam

Dublin Core


Marriage & morals in Islam


Rizvi, Sayyid Muhammad


Qum: Ansariyan Publications, 2001.

Place of Publication

Iran: Qum

No. of Pages

122 p.



Publication Date



Arabic title: Akhlaq-i izdivaj dar Islam

Primary Classification


Secondary Classification


Primary Document Type


Table Of Contents

Preface -- Introduction -- A. Why this book? -- B. Sex education -- C. Sources of the Shar̋àh -- Ch. 1. The Western sexual morality -- A. Christian sexual morality -- B. The Victorian era -- C. The sexual revolution -- Ch. 2. The Islamic sexual morality (I): its foundation -- A. Defining the Islamic view -- 1. Marriage is highly recommended -- 2. Celibacy and monasticism is forbidden -- 3. Marriage helps in spirituality -- B. Defending the Islamic view -- 1. Mernissi's views -- a. Women are considered sexually active in Islam -- b. Women are a danger to the social order -- c. There should be no emotional investment in women -- d. Love should be exclusively devoted to Allah -- 2. Al-Ghazāliѫs views -- 3. Love for God vis--̉vis love for this world -- C. Criterion of moral and immoral -- 1. Regulating sex by morality -- 2. Islam and personal freedom -- Ch. 3. The Islamic sexual morality (II): its structure -- A. Puberty: the beginning of sexual life -- B. How to handle sexual urge before marriage? -- 1. Immoral ways -- a. Pre-marital sex -- b. Masturbation -- c. Homosexuality and lesbianism -- 2. Lawful temporary ways -- a. Temporary abstinence -- b. Temporary marriage (mutàh) -- C. Marriage -- 1. Some often asked questions -- 2. The marriage ceremony -- a. When to marry? -- b. The wedding night -- c. Days and times for sex -- 3. Sexual techniques -- a. Fore-play -- b. Techniques of fore-play -- c. Sexual intercourse -- d. Anal intercourse -- e. Decency and privacy -- Ch. 4. Contraceptives and abortion -- A. Introduction -- B. When does pregnancy began -- C. The contraceptive methods -- D. Abortion -- Ch. 5. New techniques in human reproduction -- A. Human reproduction techniques -- 1. Artificial insemination by husband -- 2. Artificial insemination by donor -- 3. In vitro fertilization -- 4. Other possibilities in human reproduction discussed by 'Ulamā' -- 5. Surrogate motherhood -- B. Some ethical questions -- Glossary -- Bibliography -- Index

Call Number

BP190.5 .S4 R59 1999


Fifth edition






“Marriage & morals in Islam,” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed January 15, 2025,