الطبيب بين الإعلان والكتمان
Dublin Core
الطبيب بين الإعلان والكتمان
Transliterated title
al-Ṭabīb bayna al-iʻlān wa al-kitmān
Translated title
The physician between confidentiality and disclosure
السلامي، محمد المختار
Salāmī, Muḥammad al-Mukhtār
Salāmī, Muḥammad al-Mukhtār
الكويت: المنظمة الإسلامية للعلوم الطبية، 1995
Publisher Translated
Kuwait: Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences (IOMS) 1995
Publication Date
تم تقديم هذا البحث إلى الندوة التي عقدتها المنظمة الإسلامية للعلوم الطبية في الكويت حول بعض الممارسات الطبية من منظور إسلامي وذلك خلال الفترة 18-21 ابريل من عام 1987. تطرق المؤلف إلى عدد من الاعتبارات الأخلاقية الإسلامية التي على الطبيب مراعاتها عند اتخاذ قرار بكشف أو بعدم كشف معلومات حساسة عن المرضى الذين أصيبوا بأمراض معينة مثل الإيدز والسرطان وعن النسوة الذين يريدون إجراء عملية رتق غشاء البكارة.
Abstract Translated
This paper was submitted to the symposium held by the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences (IOMS) in Kuwait during the period 18-21 April 1987 on some medical practices from an Islamic ethical perspective. The author reflects upon the Islamic ethical considerations that a physician should keep in mind before taking a decision of (non-)revealing sensitive information about patients who have contracted specific diseases such as AIDS and cancer and about females who ask for hymen reconstruction.
Available in English [The doctor between disclosure and withholding] and in French [le medecin entre la divulgation et la discretion]
Primary Classification
Secondary Classification
Primary keywords
AIDS--[pri];cancer--[pri];confidentiality--[pri];disclosure--[pri];hymen reconstruction--[pri];Islamic ethics--[pri]
Secondary keywords
adultery;females;infertility;pre-modern Muslim religious scholars;physician patient relationship;sexuality;sharia
Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences (IOMS)
Symposium on the ethics of the medical profession from an Islamic perspective; Kuwait; 1987 April 18-21; Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences (IOMS)
Journal Article
In: Madhkūr, Khālid; Sayf, ʻAlī; Jundī, Aḥmad Rajāʼī; Abū Ghuddah, ʻAbd al-Sattār, eds., Al-ruʼyah al-Islāmīyah li baʻḍ al-mumārasāt al-ṭibbīyah (The Islamic vision on some medical practices). Kuwait: Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences, 1995: 75-85
Primary Document Type
Call Number
8.4; B00000
Al-Islām wa al-mushkilāt al-ṭibbīyah al-muʻāṣirah 3 (Islam and current medical concerns 3)
Includes references
“الطبيب بين الإعلان والكتمان,” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed March 14, 2025, https://imse.ibp.georgetown.domains/items/show/33511.