فقه الأطعمة
Dublin Core
فقه الأطعمة
Transliterated title
Fiqh al-ʼaṭʻimah
Translated title
Jurisprudential issues related to food
طويلة، عبد الوهاب عبد السلام
Ṭawīlah, ʻAbd al-Wahhāb ʻAbd al-Salām
Ṭawīlah, ʻAbd al-Wahhāb ʻAbd al-Salām
القاهرة: دار السلام،2012
Publisher Translated
Cairo Dār al-Salām,2012
Place of Publication
Egypt; Cairo
No. of Pages
540 pages
Publication Date
يتكون هذا الكتاب من ثلاث أقسام. القسم الأول يتناول أحكام الأطعمة والحلال والحرام منها وأسباب التحريم. يتضمن هذا القسم أيضا حيوانات البر والماء والحلال منها والحرام. القسم الثاني يتناول موضوع الذكاة الإختيارية وشروط المذكي وأدواته و الذكاة الإضطرارية وشروطها . القسم الثالث يناقش آداب وأحكام تناول الطعام والشراب وآداب الولائم
Abstract Translated
This book consists of three sections. The first section discusses the rulings related to food, the religiously prohibited and lawful food and the reasons behind the prohibitions. The section also contains sea and land animals, and what is allowed from them and what is religiously prohibited. The second section discusses the subject of voluntary slaughter, the conditions and tools for slaughtering, forced slaughtering and its conditions. The third section discusses the ethics and rulings related to eating and drinking and the ethics of banqueting.
Primary Classification
Secondary Classification
Primary keywords
ethics--[pri];food--[pri];Islamic slaughter--[pri];Sharia--[pri];Islamic ritual purity--[pri]
Secondary keywords
adverse effects;fetuses;Christians;domestic animals;halal;haram;harm;health hazards;Jews;Koran;religiously prohibited materials;Muslim religious scholars;schools of Islamic law;social aspects;Sunna;wild animals;women
Call Number
1.3.11; B00375
Includes references
“فقه الأطعمة,” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed January 15, 2025, https://imse.ibp.georgetown.domains/items/show/35697.