tahghigh dar osuol akhalgh va grouh haye taghighati (Research ethics principles and specific groups)

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tahghigh dar osuol akhalgh va grouh haye taghighati (Research ethics principles and specific groups)


Karami, Kh.



Publication Date



Environmental ethics has received an increasing attention in past few decades. Along it, research in the biomedical field has experienced remarkable growth, resulting in establishment of new rules and regulations on research in the entire world. We believed existence of all creatures in substance is very valuable. Islamic rules dictate that scholars have to discharge their ethical responsibility not only to entire humanity but the nature as a whole. When human is being used as subject of research, great care must be exercised for protecting his rights. Especially elders, children, mental retarded subjects, fetus and people who are formally under the role of researchers, like prisoners, refugees, captives, conscripts and students. These specific groups cannot speak for themselves nor have such rights as the right to informed consent. Also they may have no capacity to decide what is in their own interests in health matters. Scientists must respect entire mankind right without any exception because of race, color, language, place of living, and considering ethical issues related to specific groups like aged, children, fetus, mental retarded, disabled and people under their role. Overall, however researches in various scientific fields are essential are involved but with condition that be accompanied by ethical principles.


Abstract in English

Primary Classification


Secondary Classification


Primary keywords

biomedical research--[pri];environment--[pri];Islamic ethics--[pri];research ethics--[pri]

Secondary keywords

human experimentation;human rights;moral obligations;researchers;sharia;vulnerable populations

Journal Article

Scientific Medical Journal of Ahwaz University of Medical Sciences 1380; 31: 53-46 [Online]. Accessed: http://iranmedex.com/english/articles_detail.asp [2010 December 15]

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14 refs.



“tahghigh dar osuol akhalgh va grouh haye taghighati (Research ethics principles and specific groups),” Islamic Medical & Scientific Ethics, accessed July 26, 2024, http://imse.ibp.georgetown.domains/items/show/33295.